教育者先行 | 我們究竟需要什么樣的創(chuàng)新課堂?
關于科技是否對教育產(chǎn)生顛覆影響的爭論從未休止,但科技的進步確實正在給愛迪課堂帶來改革與創(chuàng)新。事實上,教育不僅是一門科學,更是一門藝術,科學與藝術相結合的教學方式才是創(chuàng)新課堂背后的核心驅動力。來自愛迪小學部的英文老師 Tim William 正在借由AR(Augmented Reality)技術,邁出科技教學創(chuàng)新的一大步。
針對一節(jié)關于太陽系行星知識的英語課程,Tim 老師早在課程設計階段,就與愛迪創(chuàng)新實驗室協(xié)調(diào)員 Ken Dong 共同探討如何正確使用AR設備,并計劃利用AR設備來幫助學生在獲取英語知識的同時,得到社會情感學習的教育體驗。
課程按計劃如期開展,學生們首先觀看了地球的四季影像,了解太陽系對地球天氣的影響,這不僅關聯(lián)了學生之前學習到的行星知識,相關的英文知識也被無縫嵌入其中;接下來,Tim 老師通過展示行星的相對大小和距離,鼓勵學生使用比較級和最高級的英語表達方式向同伴闡述觀點。
在隨后的數(shù)據(jù)獲取練習中,學生以研究者的身份搜索新鮮有趣的事實,并擔任“小講師”,自然串聯(lián)起 orbit、sols、rotation 等詞匯,并將自己的收獲向全班展示。
Tim 老師認為,熟練有效地利用AR作為獲取知識的途徑并不是最重要的,重要的是擁有可以終生受益的技能,和一份持續(xù)進步的態(tài)度。
愛迪教與學創(chuàng)新中心總監(jiān) Russell Hazard 也指出,“技術僅僅是一種工具,現(xiàn)代教師必須成為熟練有效運用此工具的專家,但從社會情感學習被愛迪學校確定為重要教學目標起,科技教學就不僅是為了知識的獲取,而是更強調(diào)人與人的互動以及項目管理能力,我們的教師正在為學生提供一個沉浸式的環(huán)境,以及多維度的學習體驗,來確保這一目標的實現(xiàn)。”
Tim 老師正持續(xù)努力地將AR等新科技整合入他的課程中,但與此同時,他也清醒地認識到,僅教會學生使用AR科技或其他學習工具是遠遠不夠的。結合交互式學習和小組活動來激勵學生的自我認知與自我評估,從而提高社會情感能力,這一點與把科技元素融入課堂是同等重要的。
Pedagogy Still Comes First
There is much talk about the impact of technology on education, and it is certainly true that technology is revolutionizing many classrooms. However, it is important to be aware that excellent teachers using pedagogy (which is the art and science of teaching) are still the driving force behind making technology effective in the classrooms.
Recently, Tim Willams, one of our Primary School English teachers, took the leap to incorporate the Augmented Reality center in our Innovation Lab into his English program. Working with Ken Dong, our Innovation Lab Coordinator, he took time to understand the technology before using it and then planned educational experiences to harness the technology for enhanced English knowledge acquisition, technological skill development, and socio-emotional learning. During the lesson students handled learning objectives focused on exploring the planets of the solar system and used this interaction to improve their English usage in a variety of ways. The technology allowed students more agency as it offers team-based investigations in a technologically immersive environment in which students can see and “touch” as well as read about the content.
To start, students were invited to explore seasons and the effect our solar system has on the Earth’s weather. Learning objectives to activate prior knowledge about not only planets, but also adjectives were seamlessly blended. Students recognized and then deepened their knowledge of the planets and easily transitioned into simple comparative conversations. Using the size comparison function within the Augmented Reality program, the students saw realistic representations of the planets’ sizes in relation to each other. Next, Tim encouraged the use of superlatives by showcasing the relative sizes and distances of the planets. Students were quick to transition into superlative sentences to express their views to their partners. After this, students worked together on a fact finding and data acquisition exercise to find new and interesting facts to present to the class as student researchers. This worked wonderfully, with many students learning words like orbit, sols, and rotation naturally from their interaction with the Augmented Reality space. Finally, Tim established students as teachers to relay new and interesting information to the class, developing listening and speaking as well as confidence and public presentation of research findings.
What is important is not only how Tim effectively utilized Augmented Reality as a powerful tool for knowledge acquisition, but how he planned out the development of the lifelong skill and attitude development. Russell Hazard, our Director of Teaching, Learning and Innovation notes that, “Technology is only a tool, and modern teachers must become experts in using the such tools effectively. But using technology in teaching effectively goes beyond just facilitating knowledge acquisition. This is particularly true as socio-emotional learning is identified as an ever more important goal for school systems. Actually, classrooms need to emphasize human interaction and project management more than ever, and not succumb to the simpler option of abdicating the role that teachers have in developing the character and personality of students by relying overmuch on computer-only interactions. Teachers like Tim and Ken take this effort very seriously to develop our students holistically for the needs of the 21st century, and it shows in their work with our students”.
Tim is continuing his efforts to intergrate technology such as AR into his lessons in ways which genuinely serve the students instead of treating the computers as “babysitters”. Giving more agency to learners in future AR lessons will encourage personalized learning, creative thinking, and collaboration skills for students. If students can be encouraged to manipulate the world around them through AR or in realia found in the classroom, they will also retain more information as personally meaningful in addition to developing their socio-emotional intelligence. Tim notes that “incorporating interactive and group activities to encourage self-learning and assessment is just as important when using technology as in traditional classrooms. In fact, utilizing all available environments for learning, including Innovation labs and STEM based learning, the Aidi library, and the real world outside the classroom can help change educational paradigms and result in meaningful, whole child development”. As technology continues to permeate education, teachers who learn to use it in ways that develop the whole child rather than falling into the trap of allowing the tool to become the master will become ever more important
聯(lián)系人:歐陽老師 手機:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老師 手機:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
來源:國際學校網(wǎng) 本頁網(wǎng)址:http://m.cv666.cn/aidi/dongtai/349.html本網(wǎng)站所收集的部分公開資料來源于互聯(lián)網(wǎng),轉載的目的在于傳遞更多信息及用于網(wǎng)絡分享,并不代表本站贊同其觀點和對其真實性負責,也不構成任何其他建議。本站部分作品是由網(wǎng)友自主投稿和發(fā)布、編輯整理上傳,對此類作品本站僅提供交流平臺,不為其版權負責。如果您發(fā)現(xiàn)網(wǎng)站上有侵犯您的知識產(chǎn)權的作品,請與我們?nèi)〉寐?lián)系,我們會及時修改或刪除。電子郵箱:jiangyue2012@qq.com