從水循環(huán)開始,打造“海綿”校園 | CEP小學(xué)PBL跨學(xué)科探究項目
當(dāng)一滴雨水從天而降,它將流向哪里?五年級的教室里,孩子們正在用智慧與創(chuàng)意,探討這個問題的答案。他們化身“海綿城市”的規(guī)劃師,以校園為藍(lán)圖,設(shè)計雨水花園微改造模型,讓每一滴雨水都能被有效利用。這不是一節(jié)普通的課,而是一場知識與能力的全方位碰撞,一次跨學(xué)科融合的深度體驗。In the fifth grade classroom, the children are exploring the answer to this question with wisdom and creativity. They took on the role of “sponge city” planners, using the campus as a blueprint to design a rain garden micro-retrofit model, so that every drop of rainwater can be effectively utilized.
01在實踐過程中,培養(yǎng)解決問題的能力Developing Problem-solving Skills
在老師的引導(dǎo)下,學(xué)生們開始動腦筋。有的查閱課堂提供的資料,有的動手測試不同工具。“試試透氣網(wǎng)疊加密封帶吧!”當(dāng)一個大膽的方案得到驗證,全組成員激動得站起來歡呼:“我們成功了!”他們互相擊掌,那一刻的自信洋溢在每個人的臉上。In the first part of the modeling process, sealing problems gave the students their first taste of “construction”. The team member in charge of layering the materials tried to fix it with glue, but found that it did not work well. Under the guidance of the teacher, students began to think. Some consulted the information provided in the classroom, while others tested different tools to find an answer to the problem.
02從分歧到默契,在小組協(xié)作中找到自信Finding Confidence in Group Work
過程中最有趣的場景莫過于一個小組自創(chuàng)的“施工歌謠”:“一層礫石一層布,層層鋪滿雨不堵!”伴隨著歡快的“施工節(jié)奏”,模型慢慢成形,每一個小組都在協(xié)作中找到自信與成就感。The creation of the rain garden was not only a technical challenge, but also a test of teamwork. Through conflict and coordination, everyone gradually found the rhythm of teamwork. After successfully completing the production, they found confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
03當(dāng)“雨水”流動起來,“海綿”校園誕生了A “sponge” campus is born.
孩子們圍在一起,用pH試紙檢測“雨水”的流動和凈化效果,觀察水從礫石層到植物根系的運(yùn)作軌跡。“太神奇了,我們的雨水真的可以被重新利用!”一名學(xué)生興奮地說著,滿臉的欣喜。另一名學(xué)生則小心翼翼地擺放草皮模型,“看,這像不像一個縮小版的綠色天堂?”這堂課不僅讓學(xué)生們在科學(xué)、設(shè)計、藝術(shù)等多方面得到了提升,還讓他們學(xué)會了溝通與合作,理解了環(huán)保的真正意義。This class not only helped the students to improve in many aspects of science, design and art, but also taught them to communicate and cooperate, and to understand the true meaning of environmental protection.
04在不斷探索的過程中,收獲成長Reap the rewards of growth as you continue to explore
“海綿校園微改造”項目是華外CEP小學(xué)PBL“城市主題跨學(xué)科系列課程”的重要組成部分,通過將科學(xué)探究與實際應(yīng)用結(jié)合,讓學(xué)生們以創(chuàng)造者的身份參與解決現(xiàn)實問題。這種“做中學(xué)”的教育理念,不僅讓學(xué)生掌握了知識,還在情感、社會責(zé)任感和實踐能力上得到全方位的成長。正如一名學(xué)生所言:“我以前從沒想過雨水可以變得這么有用,更沒想過我們能用雙手去改變身邊的環(huán)境。”The “Sponge Campus Micro-renovation” project is an important part of the HW CEP Elementary School PBL “Urban Theme Interdisciplinary Curriculum Series”, which allows students to participate in solving real-life problems as creators by combining scientific inquiry with practical applications. This educational concept of “learning by doing” not only enables students to acquire knowledge, but also to grow emotionally, socially and practically in all aspects.
這場跨學(xué)科項目課程,不僅讓五年級的孩子們走近了“海綿城市”的理念,更讓他們對未來充滿期待。雨水花園雖小,但承載著孩子們的大夢想。我們相信,在華外的課堂里,這樣的夢想將繼續(xù)發(fā)芽,綠意盎然。This interdisciplinary program not only brought the fifth graders closer to the concept of “sponge cities”, but also made them look forward to the future. Although the rain garden is small, it carries the children's big dreams. We believe that in HW's classrooms, such dreams will continue to germinate and flourish.
聯(lián)系人:歐陽老師 手機(jī):17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老師 手機(jī):18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
來源:國際學(xué)校網(wǎng) 本頁網(wǎng)址:http://m.cv666.cn/gzsxy/dongtai/3405.html本網(wǎng)站所收集的部分公開資料來源于互聯(lián)網(wǎng),轉(zhuǎn)載的目的在于傳遞更多信息及用于網(wǎng)絡(luò)分享,并不代表本站贊同其觀點和對其真實性負(fù)責(zé),也不構(gòu)成任何其他建議。本站部分作品是由網(wǎng)友自主投稿和發(fā)布、編輯整理上傳,對此類作品本站僅提供交流平臺,不為其版權(quán)負(fù)責(zé)。如果您發(fā)現(xiàn)網(wǎng)站上有侵犯您的知識產(chǎn)權(quán)的作品,請與我們?nèi)〉寐?lián)系,我們會及時修改或刪除。電子郵箱:jiangyue2012@qq.com