The slogan 'What goes up must come down' was so universally accepted by economists that it was considered---.
A.a conjecture B.an axiom C.a fad D.a testimonial E. an argument
正確答案: B
難度系數(shù) : 中
詞匯積累 :
conjecture n.推測 the formation of conclusions from incomplete evidence; guess axiom n.格言; 定理 a generally accepted proposition or principle, sanctioned by experience; maxim fad n.癖好; 怪念頭 personal idiosyncrasy or whim testimonial n.證明書 a recommendation of the character, ability, etc, Nothing in the essay is----:every sentence contributes in an essential way to the overall meaning.
A.cohesive B.querulous C.paramount D.mandatory E.superfluous
正確答案: E
難度系數(shù) : 中
詞匯積累 :
cohesive adj. 凝聚性的 tending to cohere or stick together
querulous adj.易發(fā)脾氣的 inclined to make whining or peevish complaints
paramount adj.較重要的 of the greatest importance or significance; pre-eminent
mandatory adj.強(qiáng)制性的 obligatory; compulsory
superfluous adj.多余的 exceeding what is sufficient or required
Sally,thoroughly convinced of her own importance,often acts without----:she feels no guilt,for example,about appropirating her brother's posseseeions.
A.compunction B.gratification C.aplomb D.indignation E.inducement
正確答案: A
難度系數(shù) : 中
詞匯積累 :
compunction n.內(nèi)疚 a feeling of remorse, guilt, or regret
gratification n.滿足(感) the act of gratifying or the state of being gratified
aplomb n.冷靜、沉著equanimity, self-confidence, or self-possession
indignation n.憤怒, 不平 anger or scns.
A.compunction B.gratification C.aplomb D.indignation E.inducement
正確答案: A
難度系數(shù) : 中
詞匯積累 :
compunction n.內(nèi)疚 a feeling of remorse, guilt, or regret
gratification n.滿足(感) the act of gratifying or the state of being gratified
aplomb n.冷靜、沉著equanimity, self-confidence, or self-possession
indignation n.憤怒, 不平 anger or scorn aroused by something felt to be unfair, unworthy, or wrong
inducement n.動(dòng)機(jī); 誘因 a means of inducing; persuasion; incentive
The respect accorded choreogapher Martha Graham by her students and colleagues alike was so great that it amounted to ---
A.exasperation B.commiseration C.consternation D.reconciliation E.veneration
正確答案: E
難度系數(shù) : 中
來源:國際學(xué)校網(wǎng) 本頁網(wǎng)址:http://m.cv666.cn/sat/cihui/4544.html