AP課程(Advanced Placement)即美國大學先修課程,也就是高中生選修的大學課程。學AP 的福利真不少,到了大學可以免修該課程是較明顯的好處之一。不僅如此,學習AP還有一個大收獲:提升SAT閱讀能力與寫作能力。下面以AP歷史教材The American Pageant 為例,探討一下AP課程給SAT閱讀和寫作帶來的好處。
在AP歷史的教材中,我較推崇The American Pageant。這本大部頭著作的文筆較優(yōu)美。它用詞富有變化,有利于考生積累SAT詞匯填空部分的同義詞群和SAT的寫作用詞;它的句法簡練生動,有助于考生在SAT寫作中模仿。試看從該書 “10 Launching the New Ship of State”部分摘選的句子。
該書(每個句子后面的頁碼為句子在原書中的頁碼)大量使用不同SAT詞匯表達同一個意思。下列1-3句中的approbation、acclaim、 plaudit的意思是“贊揚”,屬于SAT詞匯填空中的一個常考同義詞群。4-6句中的incense、infuriate 、enrage的意思是“激怒”,構成另一個同義詞群。
1. Such approbation was shortsighted, for dire peril loomed ahead. (p199)
2. This French furor brought to Adams a degree of personal acclaim that he had never known before—and was never to know again. (p204)
3. He doubtless perceived that a full-fledged war, crowned by the conquest of the Floridas and Louisiana, would bring new plaudits to the Federalist party—and perhaps a second term to himself. (p204)
4. These actions incensed patriotic Americans. (p200)
5. The French were infuriated by Jay’s Treaty. (p202)
6. Hamilton and his war-hawk faction were enraged. (p204)
5-6 句使用生動的比喻。對于英語中的比喻不可生搬硬套,可以多看一些類似的例子,然后模仿使用。
1. Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation clearly illustrates the truism that self-interest is the basic cement of alliances. (p199)
2. Many citizens regarded him with “respectful irritation.” (p201)
3. What once was a personal feud between Hamilton and Jefferson developed into a full-blown and frequently bitter political rivalry. (p196)
4. When Washington left office in 1797, he was showered with the brickbats of partisan abuse, quite in contrast with the bouquets that had greeted his arrival. (p201)
5. The first Congress also nailed other newly sawed government planks into place. (p193)
6. The shores of history are littered with the wreckage of nascent nations torn asunder before they could grow to a stable maturity. Why should the United States expect to enjoy a happier fate? (p209)
7. Yet the foes of the administration condemned its brutal display of force—for having used a sledgehammer to crush a gnat. (p196) 劃線部分的大意:殺雞用牛刀
8. Adding insult to outrage, the Paris regime haughtily refused to receive America’s newly appointed envoy and even threatened him with arrest. (p203) 劃線部分的大意:火上澆油
來源:國際學校網(wǎng) 本頁網(wǎng)址:http://m.cv666.cn/sat/kecheng/1584.html聲明:我方為第三方信息服務平臺提供者,本文來自于網(wǎng)絡,登載出于傳遞更多信息之目的,并不意味著贊同其觀點或證實其描述,文章內(nèi)容僅供參考。如若我方內(nèi)容涉嫌侵犯其合法權益,應該及時反饋,我方將會盡快移除被控侵權內(nèi)容。