Score Choice是College Board用于送成績的。From Collegeboard: "Score Choice is a score-reporting feature that gives students the option to choose the SAT scores by test date and SAT Subject Test scores by individual test that they send to colleges."
1)Superscore, 大陸地區(qū)俗稱“拼分”。可以把不是同一次考的單項(math,reading,writing)較好成績作為SAT的總成績。Super Score是一些大學(xué)AO用于Evaluate Applicant的方法。
2)Highest single sitting,可以挑較好的一次送,但必須是同一天考的。
3)All scores,全送,不能挑。很多大藤要求送all scores,但他們只在所有考試中選較好的同一天考試的那一次。如普林斯頓的官方網(wǎng)站:
Applicants are welcome to use the score choice option for standardized test score submission. Princeton will consider the highest individual section results across all sittings of the SAT Reasoning and the highest composite score for the ACT with Writing, as well as the two highest SAT Subject Test scores. We encourage applicants to submit all official test scores as soon as they are available
Schools that Accept Score Choice:
Boston University
Brandeis University
Brown University
California Institute of Technology
Dartmouth College
Duke University
Emory University
Harvard University
Johns Hopkins
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Northwestern University
Notre Dame University
Princeton University
University of Chicago
Vanderbilt University
Washington University in St. Louis
Amherst College
Bates College
Bowdoin College
Bryn Mawr College
Carleton College
Claremont McKenna College
Colby College
College of William and Mary
Davidson College
Grinnell College
Hamilton College
Haverford College
Kenyon College
Middlebury College
Mount Holyoke College
Oberlin College
Reed College
Smith College
Swarthmore College
Trinity College
Vasser College
Washington and Lee University
Wellesley College
Wesleyan University
Williams College
來源:國際學(xué)校網(wǎng) 本頁網(wǎng)址:http://m.cv666.cn/sat/wenda/888.html