SAT,全稱Scholastic Assessment Test,中文名稱為學術能力評估測試。由美國大學委員會(College Board)主辦,SAT成績是世界各國高中生申請美國名校學習及獎學金的重要參考。
SAT推理測驗(SAT Reasoning Test)是美國大學錄取中的一個標準化測試。SAT考試隸屬于由非盈利性機構美國大學理事會(College Board)。ETS仍然承擔SAT的命題工作。SAT推理測驗旨在考察學生的能力是否足夠適應大學教育。
2015年10月SAT寫作考題:Should people change their behavior depending on what situation they are in?
Is preparing for the future more important than enjoying the present?
Do people need to know the source of any information before they use it?
Does having too much information about public figure distract people from important issues?
Is imitation of others always harmful?
Do consumers have a responsibility to purchase goods only from companies and people whose actions are beneficial to others?
來源:國際學校網(wǎng) 本頁網(wǎng)址:聲明:我方為第三方信息服務平臺提供者,本文來自于網(wǎng)絡,登載出于傳遞更多信息之目的,并不意味著贊同其觀點或證實其描述,文章內(nèi)容僅供參考。如若我方內(nèi)容涉嫌侵犯其合法權益,應該及時反饋,我方將會盡快移除被控侵權內(nèi)容。